Taksi Island, The Secret of Volcano Bay

Page Under Construction Suspendisse at semper ipsum. Suspendisse sagittis diam a massa viverra sollicitudin. Vivamus sagittis est eu diam fringilla nec tristique metus vestibulum. Donec magna purus, pellentesque vel lobortis ut, convallis id augue. Sed odio magna, pellentesque eget convallis ac, vehicula vel arcu. Sed eu scelerisque dui. Sed eu arcu at nibh hendrerit viverra. [...]


Sweetspots Worldwide Banner Campaign While I was working as a Creative Director at Satama, we were asked by Nike to come up with ideas for a worldwide Banner Campaign. I worked with Remon Tijssen who did the programming in Adobe Flash. They were fully interactive; you could play with the lines, which would trigger a very cool [...]

Winq. Magazine

Winq. a Gay Mag. We were asked to design a Dutch Gay magazine in early 2006. Wijbrand Stet, Jacco Oosthuizen and Myself did the first 4 issues. The magazine has been pretty successful ever since and the German magazine MATE has adopted the same design and layout. Currently there's also an British/English version on the market. [...]

Mijn Postbank Pas

De Paskamer Klanten kunnen op de website van de bank kiezen tussen foto's in de categorieën 'leuk', 'handig' en 'mooi'. Wie geen zin heeft in een brandkastje of een puppy levert zelf beeld van huisdier of nieuwe geliefde.Niet alle afbeeldingen zijn echter toegestaan. Portretten van beroemdheden, kunstwerken, stripfiguren, bedrijfslogo's, drugs, bloot en politieke of religieuze [...]

Efteling Website

IAAPA AWARD Designing the website of my favourite theme park One of my first big concept and design jobs was to create a website for a themepark in the Netherlands called: Efteling. I based the website on the book you see on the right. It was published in 1999, and won an IAAPA Brass Ring Award [...]