Royal Canin's worldwide digital hub
The Royal Family is the first online database of its kind which combines extensive information on families of dog, with a search engine and CRM system. Apart from the functionality for the consumer to find their perfect dog match, it’s also possible for dog owners to create detailed profiles for their pets and to get in touch with breeders. The starting place for DDB & Tribal Amsterdam was the insight that animal owners see their pet as a member of their family – while they can’t choose their own family, they can choose their own pet.
With this platform, Royal Canin positions itself to target consumers as an expert in this field and helps them to transform the relationship they have with their dog by sharing the scientific knowledge and information the brand has in-house. This provides the consumer with targeted advice about health, nutrition, local activities and more, based on the location and lifecycle of their own dog. This information was already available to veterinarians and breeders but is now being democratised for mass consumption, so that the consumer use it to give optimal care to their dog.
Royal Canin, DDB&Tribal
Creative Direction